Twenty years ago, a vision was born: to create an event that combined the spirit of adventure with the majesty of nature. This vision became the Fjällräven Classic, a series of trekking events that have since become a hallmark of outdoor adventure. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Fjällräven Classic Sweden, it's a perfect time to reflect on its journey, the community it has built, and the wild landscapes it has helped protect and appreciate.

The Birth of a Classic

The Fjällräven Classic began in 2004, inspired by the rugged beauty of Sweden’s northern wilderness. The inaugural trek, held in the breathtaking landscapes of Swedish Lapland, was more than just a hike; it was an invitation to reconnect with nature, to challenge oneself, and to experience the camaraderie that comes from shared adventure.

Growing a Global Community

Over the years, the Fjällräven Classic has expanded beyond the borders of Sweden. Today, it includes treks in Denmark, the United States, Hong Kong, Germany, and more. Each location offers its unique natural beauty and challenges, yet they all share the same core principles: sustainability, respect for nature, and the joy of outdoor life.

Participants from around the globe have joined these treks, forming a diverse and passionate community of outdoor enthusiasts. From seasoned trekkers to first-time adventurers, the Classic has welcomed thousands, all united by a love for nature and a spirit of exploration.

The Spirit of Sustainability

From its inception, the Fjällräven Classic has placed a strong emphasis on sustainability. Participants are encouraged to practice Leave No Trace principles, ensuring that the pristine environments they trek through remain untouched for future generations. Fjällräven’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond the trails, influencing their product designs and corporate practices.

Memories and Milestones

As we look back on two decades of the Fjällräven Classic, it's impossible not to be moved by the countless stories of adventure and personal triumph. From the first-time hiker who discovered a new passion, to the seasoned trekker who found renewed inspiration, the Classic has been a backdrop for innumerable life-changing experiences.

The 20th Anniversary Celebration

The 20th anniversary of the Fjällräven Classic is not just a celebration of the past but a look towards the future. This year’s events are set to be more special than ever, with commemorative activities, special edition gear, and unique challenges designed to honor the milestone. Participants can look forward to not only exploring stunning landscapes but also becoming part of a historic moment in the world of outdoor adventure.

Looking Forward

As we celebrate this milestone, Fjällräven continues to innovate and inspire. The future holds exciting possibilities: new routes, more inclusive adventures, and even greater commitments to sustainability. The Classic’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to adapt and grow while staying true to its core values.

Joining the Adventure With Andrew

Andrew is the store manager of the Fjallraven Store in Manchester, and will be participating in the prestigious multi-day trek across Swedish Lapland from the 9th-16th of August. We caught up with him very briefly before he left to see how he was feeling and what he was most excited for.


What training have you been doing?
Nothing Specific - I as i wild camp and do long distance walking/trekking as my hobby
Have you done anything like this before?
Yes - I have done multiple long distance treks in Norway, the French/Italian/Swiss alps, Poland and the UK - and further afield 
What are you most looking forward to?
Not having mobile phone signal and being able to immerse myself fully in THE NATURE
What are your main worries (?!)
Midges (i hate them)
What wildlife do you expect to see?
Midges!! lots and lots of them, Reindeer, Elk, Beaver, Arctic Fox (hopefully) 


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